Our World (Big Book)

Our World (Big Book)

  • Rs 375.00

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Our World invites us to read beyond simple text and see beyond vivid illustrations to re-discover something we already know: The earth is our home, and we are all connected through visible and invisible threads. Our World helps us to remember this. Joyously.

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Age 3+
Book Details
Author Sandhya Rao
Illustrator Proiti Roy
Publisher Jugnoo Prakashan, an imprint of Ektara Trust
Year 2021
Binding Paperback
ISBN 978-93-91218-56-0
Language English & Hindi
No. of Pages 20
Size 19×14 inches
Colour 4 colour print

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Tags: Book, Picture Book, Fiction, Big Book, Sandhya Rao, Proiti Roy, Bi-lingual, Hindi, English

Tags: Book, Picture Book, Fiction, Big Book, Sandhya Rao, Proiti Roy, Bi-lingual, Hindi, English

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